Firefox Download

If the video doesn't work on your browser then you can download mozilla firefox - link below, or you can watch it on you-tube, again link below. The video shows you what an RDA does!
Firefox link:
You-tube link:
Enjoy watching!!


One of the Horses at Thornton Rose RDA

Tuesday 30 October 2007

RDA volunteer tips

There is a link in the title which will take you to a page with different volunteer/riding tips. Please leave a comment by clicking on "comment" below so that you could put a point down that we could discuss and also share with people from RDA's accross the world!!

Exercises are extremley important for both horse, rider and volunteer! If you don't do any exercise as a volunteer and rider and you are going to more than just walking then (from personal experience) you are going to be in pain! Just ask people at my RDA, I was out with the horses almost every day for just over a week (between my own and going out for a ride with other RDA volunteers) and helping as a volunteer. One of the hacks I was out on with 2 others was the most difficult I have ever been on as everything was all great until we reached the first tunnel! Now to be honest I don't do that much sport but I do have to say that I have never worked harder on a horse in my life just to reach the end of the tunnel and was in so much PAIN by the next day! so exercise is essential...!!!

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Fundraising for the RDA

The link attached shows how much everyone appreciates any money raised for the RDA. A very popular way of raising money at Thornton Rose is Partner a Pony Scheme as this allows the volunteers to look after and ride the horses when there are no classes on. What other fundraising ideas do you have?

Friday 19 October 2007


RDA Today!

Helping others is one of the best ways to keep fit and gives you a great feeling inside. I help with the Riding for the Disabled(RDA) at Thornton Farm near Rosewell. Will put links up as soon as! Do you know of people who help or are disabled or do you have any fundraising ideas for the RDA in general throughout Britain?
